Many videos on this section have been banned and censored on major platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and others.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”
― Winston S. Churchill
Published: 2020
Amandha Vollmer┃Viruses, Infectious Diseases, Human Health and More
Amandha Vollmer, owner and operater of YumNaturals Emporium in Ontario and author of Healing with DMSO, is a mother and professional holistic practitioner. She holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology. She is a registered Reiki Practitioner and Teacher, and has studied various natural forms of healing from botanicals to homeopathy and more.
In this interview, we discuss viruses, human immune functioning, historically referenced infectious diseases, vaccines, masks, and more.
Published: 2020
Amazing Polly┃Your Body is Their Weapon - We're all Patients Now
As a follow on to my “Is This Torture?” video, I discuss the way The Medical Tyranny is turning us all into Chronic Illness Outpatients. I rely on an excellent article by Sam Vaknin called “The Body As A Torture Chamber” and I apply his arguments to what is happening with the #Pandemic response.
Published: 2020
Dr. Robert O. Young ITNJ Testimony
This statement by Dr. Robert O. Young provides a brief history of how and why the State Department put him out of business and into jail and addresses the responsiveness to his natural treatments for health, including successful treatments to cure cancer.
Published: August 2, 2021
Max Igan┃Australia - A Social Experiment in Criminal Government and Terrorist Police
“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.”
– Charles Fort
Published: 2020
Dr Stella Immanuel, Primary Care Physician in Houston, talks about Hydroxychloroquine
Published: October, 2020
Dr. Lorna Levesque┃How the PCR Test Enables the Covid Scam
Published: April, 2021
Dr. Roger Hodkinson summarizes it ALL
Dr. Roger “Mic Drop” Hodkinson summarizes the case against the CoViD nonsense.
Published: October, 2020
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich┃Crimes against humanity
Published: January 18, 2022
Dr. Vernon Coleman┃The WAKE UP Video
Since the publication of his books The Medicine Men and Paper Doctors in the 1970s, Dr Vernon Coleman has been the world’s leading authority on prescription drug adverse effects and iatrogenesis.
Published: July 21, 2021
Newsbreak 128 | Dr. Andy Kaufman and Dr. Amandha Vollmer Expose COVID Test Fraud, Brain/AI/5G Agenda
Published: July 6, 2020
Senator Scott Jensen targeted by Minnesota Medical Board for speaking out about COVID-19