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Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Published: 2020

Amandha Vollmer┃Viruses, Infectious Diseases, Human Health and More

Amandha Vollmer, owner and operater of YumNaturals Emporium in Ontario and author of Healing with DMSO, is a mother and professional holistic practitioner. She holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology. She is a registered Reiki Practitioner and Teacher, and has studied various natural forms of healing from botanicals to homeopathy and more.

In this interview, we discuss viruses, human immune functioning, historically referenced infectious diseases, vaccines, masks, and more.

Published: 2020

Amazing Polly┃Your Body is Their Weapon - We're all Patients Now

As a follow on to my “Is This Torture?” video, I discuss the way The Medical Tyranny is turning us all into Chronic Illness Outpatients. I rely on an excellent article by Sam Vaknin called “The Body As A Torture Chamber” and I apply his arguments to what is happening with the #Pandemic response.

Published: 2020

Dr. Robert O. Young ITNJ Testimony

This statement by Dr. Robert O. Young provides a brief history of how and why the State Department put him out of business and into jail and addresses the responsiveness to his natural treatments for health, including successful treatments to cure cancer.

Published: August 2, 2021

Max Igan┃Australia - A Social Experiment in Criminal Government and Terrorist Police

“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.”

– Charles Fort

Published: 2020

Dr Stella Immanuel, Primary Care Physician in Houston, talks about Hydroxychloroquine

A passionate Dr. Immanuel travels to Washington D.C. to let all of the political elite and mediocre doctors know there is a cure for COVID-19. It is the same thing that President Trump has been touting since April 2020.

Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and zithromax. We’ve heard about this from many foreign studies and many great American doctors, so there is no surprise here. Dr. Emanuel has cured all 350 COVID-19 patients with the disease. Not one of her patients has died. What Dr. Immanuel has not yet figured out is that COVID-19 is not so much a “medical” virus as it is a “political” virus.

The pushback, misinformation, lies and fake studies claiming that hydroxychloroquine kills patients and is not effective comes from politicians that want the virus to be amplified and Big Pharma that wants to create high margin solutions when an ultra-cheap and time tested solution already exists. Hopefully more Americans will hear voices like Dr. Stella Emanuel. Robert Kennedy Jr. has sent a copy of this video to President Trump.

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Published: October, 2020

Dr. Lorna Levesque┃How the PCR Test Enables the Covid Scam

Fact: There is no such thing as an accurate COVID-19 test. Not only does the CDC website admit that they have never isolated or identified COVID-19 making it impossible to make a test for it, the PCR tests they’re doing don’t test for any kind of specific virus at all, they test for RNA and DNA which is easy to find as they are the basis of all viruses. So anyone who’s had the flu or the flu shot in recent years or is overly stressed is likely to test positive ACCORDING TO THE CDC.

Likewise, and also according the CDC, 70%+ of people wearing masks full time test positive for CV19. But that’s not all, fruits, goats, swabs of alcohol and wastewater are amongst dozens of items that all also tested positive for CV19.

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Published: April, 2021

Dr. Roger Hodkinson summarizes it ALL

Dr. Roger “Mic Drop” Hodkinson summarizes the case against the CoViD nonsense.

Published: October, 2020

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich┃Crimes against humanity

Who is Reiner Fuellmich?

German-American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich was on the legal team that won a major lawsuit against German automaker Volkswagen in a 2015 case involving tampered catalytic converters in the U.S. He also was involved in a lawsuit that exposed one of Germany’s largest banks, Deutsche Bank, as a criminal enterprise. The bank was recently ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to pay $130 million to resolve corrupt practices that included money laundering, bribery and fraud between the years 2009 and 2016.

A team of about 100 lawyers and many medical experts led by Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a COVID death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / ”infections” tracked by the use of this faulty test.

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Published: January 18, 2022

Dr. Vernon Coleman┃The WAKE UP Video

Since the publication of his books The Medicine Men and Paper Doctors in the 1970s, Dr Vernon Coleman has been the world’s leading authority on prescription drug adverse effects and iatrogenesis.

Published: July 21, 2021

Newsbreak 128 | Dr. Andy Kaufman and Dr. Amandha Vollmer Expose COVID Test Fraud, Brain/AI/5G Agenda

Dr. Andy Kaufmann and Dr. Amandha Vollmer discuss the real science behind the fraudulent PCR test, why the CDC has pulled the EUA for it, how nasal swabs are implicated in nose-to-brain access to the brain and central nervous system, microscopy findings of blood clots in the vaccinated, graphene in the vaccine portending brain access, neuro-control and neuro-imaging, and much more, in this conversation covering the mass pandemic fraud which is still being run by a complicit media-govt-corporate mechanism.

Wealth transfer, control, eugenicide are all plausibly behind the continued carnage. People can and should say No they say, and saying No to the COVID tests is indeed one of the best things people can do to stop this entire pandemic fraud. Also discussed: healthy people transmitting disease (impossible!) and connections with the AIDS scare and swine flu scare from years ago.

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Published: July 6, 2020

Senator Scott Jensen targeted by Minnesota Medical Board for speaking out about COVID-19

Senator Scott Jensen has been a breath of fresh air since the very beginning of this pandemic. He is a medical doctor with 40 years of solid experience, holding senior positions, and being meticulous in the care of his patients before becoming a senator.

He has rightly questioned the madness of the measures taken during this PlanDemic, where death rates have been considerably higher due to the way deaths have been recorded, and many other anomalies that should never have been allowed in the first place.

It’s disturbing that good nurses, doctors and scientists are being targeted by those who wish to wield their own agenda! The reason they are attacked from behind is that their rational and expert views cannot easily be challenged. Those pushing the dogma cannot abide it.

Could this happen to you by speaking out? Could they come after your business or license? Share the message, no one’s immune to attacks.

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Published: 1969

Dr Richard Day | New Order Of Barbarians | Tape 1

The New Order of Barbarians is a transcription of Dr. Richard Day’s 1969 remarks about implementation of the “New World System.” It is a set of notes from March 20, 1969 remarks made by Dr Richard Day, Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York, and previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, during a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society meeting.

The main tapes were recorded of Dr Dunegan were recorded in 1988. Even since then, much of what Dr Day said was going to happen in the world has – and there is more to come.

Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting with Dr Richard Day on 20th March 1968, in which Dr Day revealed the world plans of a secret group of powerful people who he referred to as the New Order of Barbarians.

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Published: 1969

Dr Richard Day | New Order Of Barbarians | Tape 2

The New Order of Barbarians is a transcription of Dr. Richard Day’s 1969 remarks about implementation of the “New World System.” It is a set of notes from March 20, 1969 remarks made by Dr Richard Day, Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York, and previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, during a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society meeting.

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Published: 1969

Dr Richard Day | New Order Of Barbarians | Tape 3

The New Order of Barbarians is a transcription of Dr. Richard Day’s 1969 remarks about implementation of the “New World System.” It is a set of notes from March 20, 1969 remarks made by Dr Richard Day, Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York, and previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, during a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society meeting.

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Published: 1969

Dr Richard Day | New Order Of Barbarians | Tape 4

The New Order of Barbarians is a transcription of Dr. Richard Day’s 1969 remarks about implementation of the “New World System.” It is a set of notes from March 20, 1969 remarks made by Dr Richard Day, Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York, and previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, during a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society meeting.

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